
Hi Friends! Sorry it’s been some time since you’ve heard from me! I’ve done lots of things in my absence, but traveling to South Carolina to see the total eclipse was by far the coolest thing. It’s not Goodwill related (trust me….pretty much everything else in the suitcase was!) but I thought I’d share a selfie from a moment during totality. If you can ever travel to see totality…do it!


Sadly, after the trip ended I had to come back to reality. Luckily I had a closet full of cute work clothes to keep my spirits up! Remember that little red Nine West peplum? She had her time to shine and she did not disappoint! The Color of the Week is going to be my (widely known) secret to finding boutique items for even less from now on. Remember, the Color of the Week is 50% off of the tagged price, making this brand new dress just under $5!

I’ve had this next look in my closet for quite some time, but due to weight fluctuations (this is real life, people!) the skirt hasn’t come out in a while. When she did, I got lots of compliments on how colorful and cheery I looked! The skirt is New York & Company and was bought from the regular priced rack a few years ago for less than $6 and the shirt is not a recognizable brand, but has held up really well over the years! The suede shoes are from Steve Madden and were only lightly used when I found them.

I’ll end this post with a laugh from my “Goodwill Oddities” collection. You just never, ever know when you’ll need a raccoon lamp or a turkey lamp…but when you find yourself in need, you know where to go!

Happy Hunting, friends!!